
By: Jason.N

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Mark 8:22-24
   It’s a shame but the reality is today's christian is nothing more than a Christmas display. God is truly NOT real to so many of us so called Christians. We have fabricated our Faith, adorned our lives with decorative fruit and lights only to portray and reflect an image that may be desired, yet deceiving to the world around us. Let me explain; Many Christians today are nothing more than human Christmas trees or better yet “Christian Trees”. They look  full of life but are clearly dead and every day die a bit more. Just like a real Christmas tree they Try to survive feeding from a cup or two of still water. 

 The Christian tree is much like a CHRISTMAS TREE, Notice how it's fruit/ornaments Are not  self-generated but put on by man. What you see on the tree is not produced by the life in the tree but a form of,  just an attractive alluring light that serves no real benefit, It’s much like trying to get heat from a painted fire. It's sad but today’s so called believer has become nothing more than spiritual Christian trees that’s beautiful on the outer and enticing to the eye, but dead none the less. We have clothed ourselves with garments and called ourselves holy. In Col. 3 it clearly tells us what we are to be clothed in, YET  we’ve put on a physical attire and made ourselves holy, thinking we are pleasing God and walking in his will because of a dress code. A long skirts or long hair does not make one holy. We're holy because HE IS HOLY... 

 Holy isn't anything physical we put on nor is modest apparel little house on the prairies fashion line. Please keep in mind I'm not saying we can we can dress or act however we want, as christian we must have moral standard and be the example. What this means is we have a responsibility and just like we don’t  walk passed our closets and our clothes automatically jump on our bodies, it's no different with our spiritual man. It's our responsibility to dress ourselves, to go to our spiritual closets (Gods Promises) and cloth ourselves in truth. This is LIFE and what it means to be a Christian, NOT decorating ourselves with law, holiness, intellect, or titles and the list goes. Those are nothing more than fruits hung by man to try to portray a faith through an outer expression while the inner man is parched from a lack of living water.

 Let us let nature take its course (allow god to move) and you will witness just like in the natural realm, when the change of seasons come, living tress also change their look whether they like it or not because it's a law of nature. It's the same with GOD, we too will change in season as long as we “The Branches” stay connected to the life in the vine. A branch cannot live independent of the vine but must learn, trust and depend on the vine. Let us stop trying to produce this change of season, it only confuses the process. But instead let's trust in God and his perfect plan for us and let our Christian light shine this season instead of our Christmas lights.

  God Bless you all & Merry Christmas!