
By: Jason.N

Friday, January 1, 2021


   Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me... (John 14:6)

I'm reminded of when Jesus met those men on the road to Emmaus and spoke to them yet they did not recognize him. In fact the word states they referred to him as a stranger and that their eyes were restrained to know him. Why?  Notice what takes place here. As they conversed and "REASONED" of what had taken place, Jesus drew near and asked them WHY were they having such a conversation and why were they so sad?             "Click here to read their response"

   What we fail to understand is faith knows not negative, faith must come with expectation! Many times we talk ourselves right out of a blessing and Jesus comes "in his mercy" trying to drop us a good word to help restore our faith, yet we cant receive it due to our eyes being restrained just like those on the road to Emmaus. Sound familiar? But in verse "21" we see the enemy of  faith and as they were hoping that Jesus was the one to redeem Israel, look how beautiful / perfect it all  plays out. As Jesus talked to them quoting scripture (trying to remind them of the promise)  they still could not discern that it was God himself speaking to them. Their condition remained the same till He broke bread with them...

"THEN THEIR EYES WERE OPENED AND THEY KNEW HIM".                   (Luke 24:30-35)

    Are you looking for God? Are you seeking his will and wanting more of him? Look at the perfect example the Bible gives us. It shows us that their eyes were opened once they broke bread. What is the bread of life? Jesus Christ the word and until we get to know the attributes of our Lord we will never be able to see him move in our lives. I love what an  old time preacher by the name of " William Branham" once said when they questioned him of his knowledge of the Bible: He said "I may not know ALL the word of God but I know the author." How many of us can say that!! We spend far to much time trying to find answers on line, or asking God what he wants or what should we do. When all we have to do is READ IT. The truth is that somethings take no revelation to see, attain or believe but much can be acquired through good old fashion obedience.1 Samuel 15:22.

What person would not read a love letter written to them. Or better yet what wife would not read the love / last wishes letter of their spouse. That's what the Bible is!! A testament of love!