
By: Jason.N

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The Famine



 The picture on the left is a reflection of what many look like inside. This is the spiritual man within us dying of malnutrition, lack of attention/concern. Though, the outer man looks great to the world around us (depicted on the right.) The reality is we are spiritual beings, whether we believe or not and though we may put more focus on the outer man (because it's what the natural eye can see) there is an inner man who also lives and has needs. This is why you can see someone who is physically strong and yet are weak on so many levels. Whether it’s emotionally, socially, mentally, financially, lack of self-control or integrity. There are many forms of weaknesses, yet we seem to focus more on the “so called” strengths the outer world can easily identify, acknowledge and validate. Which is exactly what the powers that be are banking on.

The powers that be, are well aware of how it works and therefore only nourish and feed the outer man. Making important the insignificant and the majority appear like the minority. If the eyes are the window to the soul and the ear the gateway to our mind and spirit, it’s no wonder their message is on a repetitive, consistent rotation over all waves and frequencies. It’s conditioning the inner man to submit to the outer man. We have to be lovers and respecters of Truth regardless of where it leads us. We cannot be like this culture who loves to say how real they are and “I keep it real” yet hate and ignore all facts. Logic is out the window, and everything is geared towards emotion and race.

Today it is not about what is right but what feels right to me. Yet Jesus gave us the perfect formula to find truth, he said “seek it and you shall find it”. Unfortunately, this generation prefers to search rather than seek and whatever their search engine populates becomes their belief system. We MUST have our own convictions that we can explain and defend. Otherwise, what is it that we believe? And why do we allow it to navigate us through life? There Must be a sincere hunger and thirst. We MUST seek out truth for ourselves because faith/truth cannot be inherited, you MUST have to have your own experience. We will never stand up to tyranny for something we don’t truly believe.

Our faith/belief should live and breath, should walk and talk. It’s a real part of who we are and how we live. Like a real living relationship, it requires attention, intendency, nourishment, protection and honor. It’s not about a prayer or book, a diet or rules and regulations. But about asking real questions and putting in the time required to know for yourself Truth & Love, because Truth & Love have a name! It reads in Amos 8:11 “The days are coming,” declares the Sovereign LORD, “when I will send a famine through the land— not a famine of food or a thirst for water, but a famine of hearing the words of the LORD. We are here my friends! And only those that hunger and thirst for truth, love and righteousness notice, while the world around us is dyeing of malnutrition.

My wife cooked me this awesome meal yesterday and even topped it off with desert and coffee. It was a true feast, and I was full for the night. But how long could I live off of that one meal? This morning when I got out of bed, I was hungry again. The hunger I’m presently feeling will not be satisfied with the memory of yesterday’s meal. My hunger will not be met by a past experience, I need food for today. (Spiritual food in due season.)

Remember we are what we eat and it’s no different with our inner man. Don’t think that you can meet the appetite of the spiritual man with yesterday’s experience, redundant religious acts, or with things of the physical realm (wealth, intellect, sex, drugs & fame). It must remain fresh and new just like a real relationship. We cannot fill eternal with finite nor get heat from a painted fire. What we need is a true Holy Ghost experience, a real revelation in order to overcome the deception of this age. Every person in the Bible that had a true encounter was never the same. There is no nutrition in old food so seek a new experience in Christ. Don’t allow your mothers religion to become your faith, nor your past experience to dictate your present condition. Yesterday’s testimony was great for yesterday, but He is Hebrews 13:8 the same yesterday, today and forever.

There’s a difference in Knowing of Jesus and knowing Jesus. And only Knowing Him can feed the need in that hungry soul, for He is the bread of life. We must learn His story, otherwise the Bible will only ever be history to us, until it becomes our story. The word of God must become flesh again. Then and only then can we call ourselves CHRISTians because CHRIST is now in it, and now what’s on the inside will reflect a true strong man and not just an outward appearance. Until then we are hungry souls with a form of godliness trying to satisfy our hunger with the crumbs of this world. But I say to you why dine at the table of deceit when you’ve been given this incredible  invitation…

“Rev 3:20-22” Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me. To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne. “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.”

With love,


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