
By: Jason.N

Sunday, October 27, 2013





I Will start this post with a question: 
“what’s more valuable than the blood of CHRIST?..”

      Do you know what the enemy constantly robs us of? Our Identity! Notice that there is very little individuality in the world. In fact I believe we are facing the age of an Identity crisis. We’ve been stripped of our Identities, genders, beliefs and freedoms, while Satan has made common what once was uncommon. The truth is most people are other people, Their thoughts are someone Else's opinions, their lives a mimicry and their passions a quotation. Most reflect or imitate the masses (Matthew 7:13-14)   and I believe it’s due to a lack of revelation of who we are and more so who God is. This is the direct effect of  a lack of communion with God. We can not love, follow or defend what we don't know. We have become a nation adrift. The Cristian Faith has been removed from schools, the work place and main stream media. The family unit / structure redefined, science replaced with emotions / feelings, critical thinking and convictions deemed hate speech, and trust in our legislations discouraged. Humanity is not interested in deep relationships, but rather a shallow, short term, open and undemanding entanglement. Why? Because there is an identity `crisis.

      Being that many are not in communion with God, who's the only thing stable (Hebrews 13:8) it makes it more difficult in this forever changing world which thrives on it's instability.  An anchor must be able to with stand the wind and sea or what good is it? Many of us make positions, jobs titles, relationships, education, social status, church or prosperity the anchor to a stable life. But truthfully those things will never stand the test of time. Just like a hundred dollar bill laying on floor regardless of it's condition, whether wet, dirty, stepped on or crumbled, it's condition does not affect it’s worth. In fact we would not hesitate to pick one up off the floor if sighted, regardless of it's condition. Why, because we know it’s value / worth. The same will happen with you, once you realize / understand your value in the economy of God. See we are not promised days without rain, victories without a fight, nor joy without tears “BUT” whether we are coming out, or going into a valley, there is one thing we must never do, and that’s "lose our Identity". NEVER lose sight of who you are regardless of what stands before you. Once you know who you are and what represents you circumstances will no longer dictate your worth. Just think If money does not lose its value based on its condition, HOW MUCH MORE A CHILD OF GOD? WE MUST NEVER forget who we TRULY are and our WORTH. THINK ON THIS…I asked you in the beginning of this post what’s more valuable than the blood of CHRIST?.. and the answer is YOU!! When you purchase something it means that the item you’re willing to buy is worth more TO YOU than the price tag on it, Right? So stop seeing yourself as worthless when your actually a priceless jewel to HIM!! No one gives up their life for nothing and WE are what that life / blood purchased. You are the reason he came down and died!. I’m sure it was because HE saw major value and was willing to pay the price, DEATH was a good deal / price to pay for you in his eyes, and he was dying to have you...

Romans 5:8  but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Read Romans 8 and be encouraged, it's a promise onto us: Think on this scripture and forget about how the world views you and focus on how God views you!

If it be true that "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he," (Prov 23:7) than this means A man is literally what he thinks, his character being the complete sum of all his thoughts…Now the question remains " what's on the minds of the masses and how do we perceive ourselves??"