
By: Jason.N

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Becoming a Living Martyr

Martyr :  Definition:                   (Hebrews 2:10 ) 

Somebody put to death: somebody who chooses to die rather than deny a strongly held belief / Faith. Somebody who makes sacrifices or suffers greatly in order to advance a cause or principle.

          I remember speaking to a young man who was zealous for the Lord Jesus Christ. He told me that he would love to be a martyr for Christ; He stated it would be the ultimate act of love. I remember telling  this young man that it was a bold and great desire BUT if he really wanted to demonstrate his love for God I knew of something even more glorious he could do. He asked What? I then told him to DIE DAILY!!! I stated Be A living Martyr. Brethren, I’m not discrediting our wonderful Saints of old who taught us through their example the meaning of Faith, love and Submission. I’m aware that the Word of God tells us that to lay down ones life is the ultimate act of love, hence it is what our King did for us. With no doubt it takes courage to stand for what you believe and more so when your life depends on it. But that will pass and perhaps soon be forgotten by many. That life can no longer influence others as it once did, there is now a little less light left in this dark world to let shine. So my question to you all is. If it is honorable to die for what you believe in, that one time you choose to take a stand, how much more honorable would it be to die daily the rest of your living life? Can you face the guillotine every day of your LIVING LIFE dying to your self so Christ could be magnified? Not just one day like a Martyr of old but every day, dying to your worst enemy, "YOU" becoming a living Martyr!! Let us not be emotion driven allowing occasions and circumstances to dictate our decisions. Like a blind man who relies on his sense of touch to compensate for his lack of sight, let us not rely on what looks or feels right but rather focus on what is right "The Word" even if it may be contrary to what we think or believe. Remember it's the truth that sets us free!

With Much Love

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