
By: Jason.N

Thursday, January 5, 2023

The Audition

  This is a story about a person named Christian, who was chasing his acting dream. Being an actor takes much studying, focus and discipline. You must become the character your to play. Christian like any one else wanted the leading roll. The Director gave Christian the manuscript to study for the up coming audition. While Christian studied the script he happened to come across things that he did not like about the character and decided to improvise.

 The day of the audition when Christian performed he added his own interpretation of what the role should be. The Director flipped out and told Christian “Why didn’t you stick to the script?” The Director in his anger screams out "This is my play, my life's master piece, you do not know the blood, sweat and tears I put into it! Who do you think you are? Please stick to the script! Christian, keeping his cool says nothing but was livid inside. He goes home and reviews the script again and thinks “I just wanted to make it better, he must’ve misunderstood me. I'll show him next time." 

Needless to say Christian did not get the part in the play. In fact there wasn't next time... Friends could you imagine going to see a play on opening night and the main character (while the spot light is on him) just stands there and does nothing because he doesn't know his part. Many of you are Christian and have not studied your part in the play of life. We forget that we have an even greater audience to perform in front of, GOD! He is watching, observing, who will play the roll? He's the author of life and who are we to change the script? Opening night will come and it is closer than we think. I like how my Pastor describes the Rapture. He calls it the day of truth, a.k.a. opening night. It is here that we will find out who had it and who didn’t...

Do you have it? If not it’s better for a man to gouge out his eye and enter in with one eye than to go to hell with both eyes. Play your role brother, we are like a symphony onto God and every one of us is a note and must play our part in this body, or it will not work / make sense. Now, if you don't understand what a symphony is, it will just be a bunch of racket to you. It's all done by signs and motions and acts out a musical drama. The only one that understands a symphony is the composer and those who are interesting in it. The composer knows every move from start to finish, He knows every little junction. One little miscue of that stick would throw the whole orchestra off and the whole symphony out tune / harmony. The composer and director have to be in the same spirit. This means obey and follow the PASTOR (Director) GOD GAVE YOU!!  

   The director has to go with what  the composer said / wrote. It has to be the the right kind of sign with that stick in order to get the right sound. Paul said, "If the trumpet gives an uncertain sound, who will prepare himself for war?"(Corinthians 14:8) God is the Composer, He wrote the Bible, He knows the changes of time, And man, who's the director must play / read it just has the composer wrote it. 

GOD Bless 


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