
By: Jason.N

Thursday, January 5, 2023

The Audition

  This is a story about a person named Christian, who was chasing his acting dream. Being an actor takes much studying, focus and discipline. You must become the character your to play. Christian like any one else wanted the leading roll. The Director gave Christian the manuscript to study for the up coming audition. While Christian studied the script he happened to come across things that he did not like about the character and decided to improvise.

 The day of the audition when Christian performed he added his own interpretation of what the role should be. The Director flipped out and told Christian “Why didn’t you stick to the script?” The Director in his anger screams out "This is my play, my life's master piece, you do not know the blood, sweat and tears I put into it! Who do you think you are? Please stick to the script! Christian, keeping his cool says nothing but was livid inside. He goes home and reviews the script again and thinks “I just wanted to make it better, he must’ve misunderstood me. I'll show him next time." 

Needless to say Christian did not get the part in the play. In fact there wasn't next time... Friends could you imagine going to see a play on opening night and the main character (while the spot light is on him) just stands there and does nothing because he doesn't know his part. Many of you are Christian and have not studied your part in the play of life. We forget that we have an even greater audience to perform in front of, GOD! He is watching, observing, who will play the roll? He's the author of life and who are we to change the script? Opening night will come and it is closer than we think. I like how my Pastor describes the Rapture. He calls it the day of truth, a.k.a. opening night. It is here that we will find out who had it and who didn’t...

Do you have it? If not it’s better for a man to gouge out his eye and enter in with one eye than to go to hell with both eyes. Play your role brother, we are like a symphony onto God and every one of us is a note and must play our part in this body, or it will not work / make sense. Now, if you don't understand what a symphony is, it will just be a bunch of racket to you. It's all done by signs and motions and acts out a musical drama. The only one that understands a symphony is the composer and those who are interesting in it. The composer knows every move from start to finish, He knows every little junction. One little miscue of that stick would throw the whole orchestra off and the whole symphony out tune / harmony. The composer and director have to be in the same spirit. This means obey and follow the PASTOR (Director) GOD GAVE YOU!!  

   The director has to go with what  the composer said / wrote. It has to be the the right kind of sign with that stick in order to get the right sound. Paul said, "If the trumpet gives an uncertain sound, who will prepare himself for war?"(Corinthians 14:8) God is the Composer, He wrote the Bible, He knows the changes of time, And man, who's the director must play / read it just has the composer wrote it. 

GOD Bless 


Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Who Do You Say That I Am?

You look at a beautiful painting and you say to yourself,
 “There must have been a painter.”

You look at a motor vehicle of great workmanship and you say to yourself, 
“There must have been a manufacturer.

You look at a meticulously detailed sculpture and you say to yourself,

 “There must have been a sculptor.”

You look at a massive bridge spanning a large body of water and you say to yourself,
 “There must have been an 

You look at a tall building and you say to yourself,
“There must have been a builder.

You look at a complex computer program and you say to yourself,
“There must have been a programmer.“

You look at a well-written best-selling novel and you say to yourself,
“There must have been an author.”

YET you look at the human body and say to yourself,
“This must have been the product of an accident. A long time ago
absolutely nothing from absolutely nowhere exploded and not only
created absolutely everything, but also created order and it all 
occurred as a random accident.“

The fool has said in his heart, “There is no God” (Psalm 14:1).

Do not speak in the hearing of a fool, for he will despise the wisdom of
your words  (Proverbs 23:9).

A scoffer seeks wisdom and finds none, but knowledge is easy to one
who has understanding  (Proverbs 14:6).

The way of a fool is right in his own eyes (Proverbs 12:15).

The foolishness of God is wiser than men (1 Corinthians 1:25).

God has chosen the foolish things of the world to shame the wise
(1 Corinthians 1:27)

The wisdom of this world is foolishness before God (1 Corinthians 3:19).

A natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they
are foolishness to him; and he cannot understand them (1 Corinthians 2:14).

The word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us
who are being saved it is the power of God (1 Corinthians 1:18).

Under a microscope this is what this protein called Laminin looks like!!!
 Look failure? Yes a cross...

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.(Psalm 150:6)


Becoming a Living Martyr

Martyr :  Definition:                   (Hebrews 2:10 ) 

Somebody put to death: somebody who chooses to die rather than deny a strongly held belief / Faith. Somebody who makes sacrifices or suffers greatly in order to advance a cause or principle.

          I remember speaking to a young man who was zealous for the Lord Jesus Christ. He told me that he would love to be a martyr for Christ; He stated it would be the ultimate act of love. I remember telling  this young man that it was a bold and great desire BUT if he really wanted to demonstrate his love for God I knew of something even more glorious he could do. He asked What? I then told him to DIE DAILY!!! I stated Be A living Martyr. Brethren, I’m not discrediting our wonderful Saints of old who taught us through their example the meaning of Faith, love and Submission. I’m aware that the Word of God tells us that to lay down ones life is the ultimate act of love, hence it is what our King did for us. With no doubt it takes courage to stand for what you believe and more so when your life depends on it. But that will pass and perhaps soon be forgotten by many. That life can no longer influence others as it once did, there is now a little less light left in this dark world to let shine. So my question to you all is. If it is honorable to die for what you believe in, that one time you choose to take a stand, how much more honorable would it be to die daily the rest of your living life? Can you face the guillotine every day of your LIVING LIFE dying to your self so Christ could be magnified? Not just one day like a Martyr of old but every day, dying to your worst enemy, "YOU" becoming a living Martyr!! Let us not be emotion driven allowing occasions and circumstances to dictate our decisions. Like a blind man who relies on his sense of touch to compensate for his lack of sight, let us not rely on what looks or feels right but rather focus on what is right "The Word" even if it may be contrary to what we think or believe. Remember it's the truth that sets us free!

With Much Love

The Almost Christian

“You almost persuade me to become a Christian”
Acts 26:28

Don't judge by external standards

Introduction: In every age there are those who will not go all of the way to Christ. They are almost persuaded to be Christians just like king Agrippa said in Act 26:28 and unfortunately falter at some point. Not only this but the Church is full of almost Christians who have not gone all the way with Christ.

What is an Almost Christian? The almost Christian knows that God's word is true, but will not commit themselves to following it because they sit on the thrown rather than God. Although they may live a good, moral, even religious life, even go above and beyond others with regards to human compassion. Their humanitarian spirit causes him to give to others that which he has need of. They may hate all unrighteousness and sin in society to the point of protesting and petitioning against it, but does not recognize the sin in their own life. They have a "form of godliness" but reveals that they do not have "the power thereof" (2 Timothy 3:5).  There is no overcoming power. Even though they may not partake in those things forbidden by God; and appear to conducted their life according to divine principles. Like abstaining from alcohol, no wild parties or may not be a glutton. To the outer world they may appear like a good solid believer. 
But the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” (1 Samuel 16:7 ) It's more then being good natured and desiring to live peaceably with everyone. Though they may never think of being unkind to others, and certainly would never return evil for evil, and may be able to preform heartful public prayers, it is all part of the outward appearance of godliness, and such devotion is simply hypocrisy. Since he enjoys the praise of men (John 12:43) it only reveals his heart and intent. But God will not be mocked!  Yes, the almost Christian is a hypocrite. This is not to say that he does not have a sincere desire to please God, but he usually settles for the pretenses instead of the real thing. They do not think that they need to be born again; thee are good enough Christian as they are. Is it possible to go so far and still only be an almost Christian? We are all aware of those who profess to be Christians and yet totally refuse to be faithful to the Lord. They love to be seen as Christian people, but they will not "lay hold on eternal life" (1 Timothy 6:19). They try to live in the world as well as the Kingdom of God but you can not serve two masters or have dual citizenship. They will not make a commitment and are lukewarm towards God which HE hates (Revelation 3:16). The almost Christian may love God, but not with all their heart, soul and might (Deuteronomy 6:5).

Conclusion : The question must be asked, "What kind of Christian am I?" Am I a almost Christian or an altogether Christian? Am I a hypocrite pretending to be a Christian only living out a form (outward appearance) of godliness? The ultimate question is, "Am I willing to be obedient to all that God requires of me as a believer?" If we are honest with ourselves, many of us are not even close to being almost Christians let alone altogether Christians. We have never laid down our lives as living sacrifices (Romans 12:1). We have given up portions of our lives but not it's entirety.  We think that it is enough to go by the name of Christ, do a few good works here or there, attending church occasionally, but we continue to fall far short of God's standard. We must get back to believing that Christ alone saves our souls from sin, and gives us the power to live godly lives (John 15:5). His Holy Spirit must bear witness with our spirit that we are truly children of God (Romans 8:16). Those who die without being altogether Christians damn their own souls. Let us awake from sleep (self-deception) and call upon the Lord (Romans 13:11; 1 Corinthians 15:34). Do not rest until you can say, "My Lord and my God!" (John 20:28). Pray and do not faint (Luke 18:1). God knows those who truly love Him! May we all experience what it is to be, not an almost, but an altogether Christian. That we might know what it is to be justified, have God's peace, and sealed with the Holy Spirit.

[Preached by John Wesley on the 25 July 1741] 


Friday, January 1, 2021


   Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me... (John 14:6)

I'm reminded of when Jesus met those men on the road to Emmaus and spoke to them yet they did not recognize him. In fact the word states they referred to him as a stranger and that their eyes were restrained to know him. Why?  Notice what takes place here. As they conversed and "REASONED" of what had taken place, Jesus drew near and asked them WHY were they having such a conversation and why were they so sad?             "Click here to read their response"

   What we fail to understand is faith knows not negative, faith must come with expectation! Many times we talk ourselves right out of a blessing and Jesus comes "in his mercy" trying to drop us a good word to help restore our faith, yet we cant receive it due to our eyes being restrained just like those on the road to Emmaus. Sound familiar? But in verse "21" we see the enemy of  faith and as they were hoping that Jesus was the one to redeem Israel, look how beautiful / perfect it all  plays out. As Jesus talked to them quoting scripture (trying to remind them of the promise)  they still could not discern that it was God himself speaking to them. Their condition remained the same till He broke bread with them...

"THEN THEIR EYES WERE OPENED AND THEY KNEW HIM".                   (Luke 24:30-35)

    Are you looking for God? Are you seeking his will and wanting more of him? Look at the perfect example the Bible gives us. It shows us that their eyes were opened once they broke bread. What is the bread of life? Jesus Christ the word and until we get to know the attributes of our Lord we will never be able to see him move in our lives. I love what an  old time preacher by the name of " William Branham" once said when they questioned him of his knowledge of the Bible: He said "I may not know ALL the word of God but I know the author." How many of us can say that!! We spend far to much time trying to find answers on line, or asking God what he wants or what should we do. When all we have to do is READ IT. The truth is that somethings take no revelation to see, attain or believe but much can be acquired through good old fashion obedience.1 Samuel 15:22.

What person would not read a love letter written to them. Or better yet what wife would not read the love / last wishes letter of their spouse. That's what the Bible is!! A testament of love! 

Sunday, October 27, 2013





I Will start this post with a question: 
“what’s more valuable than the blood of CHRIST?..”

      Do you know what the enemy constantly robs us of? Our Identity! Notice that there is very little individuality in the world. In fact I believe we are facing the age of an Identity crisis. We’ve been stripped of our Identities, genders, beliefs and freedoms, while Satan has made common what once was uncommon. The truth is most people are other people, Their thoughts are someone Else's opinions, their lives a mimicry and their passions a quotation. Most reflect or imitate the masses (Matthew 7:13-14)   and I believe it’s due to a lack of revelation of who we are and more so who God is. This is the direct effect of  a lack of communion with God. We can not love, follow or defend what we don't know. We have become a nation adrift. The Cristian Faith has been removed from schools, the work place and main stream media. The family unit / structure redefined, science replaced with emotions / feelings, critical thinking and convictions deemed hate speech, and trust in our legislations discouraged. Humanity is not interested in deep relationships, but rather a shallow, short term, open and undemanding entanglement. Why? Because there is an identity `crisis.

      Being that many are not in communion with God, who's the only thing stable (Hebrews 13:8) it makes it more difficult in this forever changing world which thrives on it's instability.  An anchor must be able to with stand the wind and sea or what good is it? Many of us make positions, jobs titles, relationships, education, social status, church or prosperity the anchor to a stable life. But truthfully those things will never stand the test of time. Just like a hundred dollar bill laying on floor regardless of it's condition, whether wet, dirty, stepped on or crumbled, it's condition does not affect it’s worth. In fact we would not hesitate to pick one up off the floor if sighted, regardless of it's condition. Why, because we know it’s value / worth. The same will happen with you, once you realize / understand your value in the economy of God. See we are not promised days without rain, victories without a fight, nor joy without tears “BUT” whether we are coming out, or going into a valley, there is one thing we must never do, and that’s "lose our Identity". NEVER lose sight of who you are regardless of what stands before you. Once you know who you are and what represents you circumstances will no longer dictate your worth. Just think If money does not lose its value based on its condition, HOW MUCH MORE A CHILD OF GOD? WE MUST NEVER forget who we TRULY are and our WORTH. THINK ON THIS…I asked you in the beginning of this post what’s more valuable than the blood of CHRIST?.. and the answer is YOU!! When you purchase something it means that the item you’re willing to buy is worth more TO YOU than the price tag on it, Right? So stop seeing yourself as worthless when your actually a priceless jewel to HIM!! No one gives up their life for nothing and WE are what that life / blood purchased. You are the reason he came down and died!. I’m sure it was because HE saw major value and was willing to pay the price, DEATH was a good deal / price to pay for you in his eyes, and he was dying to have you...

Romans 5:8  but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Read Romans 8 and be encouraged, it's a promise onto us: Think on this scripture and forget about how the world views you and focus on how God views you!

If it be true that "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he," (Prov 23:7) than this means A man is literally what he thinks, his character being the complete sum of all his thoughts…Now the question remains " what's on the minds of the masses and how do we perceive ourselves??"

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The Famine



 The picture on the left is a reflection of what many look like inside. This is the spiritual man within us dying of malnutrition, lack of attention/concern. Though, the outer man looks great to the world around us (depicted on the right.) The reality is we are spiritual beings, whether we believe or not and though we may put more focus on the outer man (because it's what the natural eye can see) there is an inner man who also lives and has needs. This is why you can see someone who is physically strong and yet are weak on so many levels. Whether it’s emotionally, socially, mentally, financially, lack of self-control or integrity. There are many forms of weaknesses, yet we seem to focus more on the “so called” strengths the outer world can easily identify, acknowledge and validate. Which is exactly what the powers that be are banking on.

The powers that be, are well aware of how it works and therefore only nourish and feed the outer man. Making important the insignificant and the majority appear like the minority. If the eyes are the window to the soul and the ear the gateway to our mind and spirit, it’s no wonder their message is on a repetitive, consistent rotation over all waves and frequencies. It’s conditioning the inner man to submit to the outer man. We have to be lovers and respecters of Truth regardless of where it leads us. We cannot be like this culture who loves to say how real they are and “I keep it real” yet hate and ignore all facts. Logic is out the window, and everything is geared towards emotion and race.

Today it is not about what is right but what feels right to me. Yet Jesus gave us the perfect formula to find truth, he said “seek it and you shall find it”. Unfortunately, this generation prefers to search rather than seek and whatever their search engine populates becomes their belief system. We MUST have our own convictions that we can explain and defend. Otherwise, what is it that we believe? And why do we allow it to navigate us through life? There Must be a sincere hunger and thirst. We MUST seek out truth for ourselves because faith/truth cannot be inherited, you MUST have to have your own experience. We will never stand up to tyranny for something we don’t truly believe.

Our faith/belief should live and breath, should walk and talk. It’s a real part of who we are and how we live. Like a real living relationship, it requires attention, intendency, nourishment, protection and honor. It’s not about a prayer or book, a diet or rules and regulations. But about asking real questions and putting in the time required to know for yourself Truth & Love, because Truth & Love have a name! It reads in Amos 8:11 “The days are coming,” declares the Sovereign LORD, “when I will send a famine through the land— not a famine of food or a thirst for water, but a famine of hearing the words of the LORD. We are here my friends! And only those that hunger and thirst for truth, love and righteousness notice, while the world around us is dyeing of malnutrition.

My wife cooked me this awesome meal yesterday and even topped it off with desert and coffee. It was a true feast, and I was full for the night. But how long could I live off of that one meal? This morning when I got out of bed, I was hungry again. The hunger I’m presently feeling will not be satisfied with the memory of yesterday’s meal. My hunger will not be met by a past experience, I need food for today. (Spiritual food in due season.)

Remember we are what we eat and it’s no different with our inner man. Don’t think that you can meet the appetite of the spiritual man with yesterday’s experience, redundant religious acts, or with things of the physical realm (wealth, intellect, sex, drugs & fame). It must remain fresh and new just like a real relationship. We cannot fill eternal with finite nor get heat from a painted fire. What we need is a true Holy Ghost experience, a real revelation in order to overcome the deception of this age. Every person in the Bible that had a true encounter was never the same. There is no nutrition in old food so seek a new experience in Christ. Don’t allow your mothers religion to become your faith, nor your past experience to dictate your present condition. Yesterday’s testimony was great for yesterday, but He is Hebrews 13:8 the same yesterday, today and forever.

There’s a difference in Knowing of Jesus and knowing Jesus. And only Knowing Him can feed the need in that hungry soul, for He is the bread of life. We must learn His story, otherwise the Bible will only ever be history to us, until it becomes our story. The word of God must become flesh again. Then and only then can we call ourselves CHRISTians because CHRIST is now in it, and now what’s on the inside will reflect a true strong man and not just an outward appearance. Until then we are hungry souls with a form of godliness trying to satisfy our hunger with the crumbs of this world. But I say to you why dine at the table of deceit when you’ve been given this incredible  invitation…

“Rev 3:20-22” Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me. To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne. “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.”

With love,


Saturday, July 27, 2013

False Fellowship

   These are some shallow times and there's very little depth to today’s man. It’s hard to find not just good people, but real people. People who are truly interested in lives. It's my responsibility as a father, husband and more so a Christian to dig deep and NOT allow myself OR my family (which is my 1st ministry) to settle for mediocrity. God spoke in his word about this age and how it would be selfish and shallow, lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power (2 Tim 3:1-9). It's not interested in real relationships. Most people only know us so superficially, they never really develop the discipline it takes to go deep enough into a relationship. The amount of work it requires is too high a cost for most, too great a risk of people getting to know the REAL you. We are lazy by nature and treat real living breathing relationship like face book accounts. This media driven society does not allow us to live in the NOW! The present, (Hence which is a gift) is rarely lived due to status updates constantly going on in our minds. It has become the battle of tweets and status updates, producing spirits of envy, jealousy, and depression all in the name of vanity and needing to be validated. All the while we're competing with a false perception (because no one posts reality) we are left trying to get heat from a painted fire (Proverbs 12:15). Being Omnipresent like social gods desperately seeking attention / worth, burdened with various passions. Yet we are always learning and never able to arrive at the knowledge of truth. Most never take the time to get to know the multiplicity of who we are. It’s usually a one dimensional experience and the main focus is ME, Me, Me and what can I get out of this relationship, or what should I share to better portray myself. Therefore never getting to experience true fellowship, friendship or the ABUNDANT LIFE       ( John 10:10 ). We are an image conscious generation that has created social avatars to represent the us we rather portray. We use these avatars who are like our safe versions of reality and never going into deep ( it's the one we use by default, our avatar that projects like everything is OK ) while we are dying inside.( Matthew 11:16 )

Man was not meant to be alone (1 Corinthians 1:9, Genesis 2:18). Why do we put so much effort into defending an image / lie only to get upset at the world around us for not being understanding, personal, or relatable. We then begin to say things like people are not real, cold and no one cares, not realizing we have allowed the stage to be set for such a performance... Funny how we can sit in front of a screen and share openly with the world wide web yet the real world around us knows us not (Matthew5:14-16). What a façade we have bought into and called it community, communications, and relationships / friends. Many people are trapped in the web and don’t realize the impact of the web. Keep in mind how a Spiders likes to trap their prey in the web, and keep them bound until time for feeding (Matthew 12:29). This is the same tactic Satan is using in modern society today. Having people bound and then feeding them lies allowing the poison to spread while becoming the Lord of their emotions. “What a web we weave”. I think soon there will be social media shrinks if not already... The scary part is that we have allowed ourselves to be conditioned with this social disorder; we have forgotten the responsibility that comes with creating and sustain relationships. We have become selfish and bought into this “I” generation. Hence why everything is I-pod, I-pad and now I-God. Yet just like a thief, social media robs us daily and breeds introverts. We have more virtual relationship than real up and close personal ones. What have we become? Did you know humans need physical touch? The sound of a voice can work a miracle rather than then reading of text! We were not created to be hid away behind a screen living a cyber life but created for greatness, adventure and helping change lives through sacrifice and commitment and community. But because we have abandoned both sacrifice and commitment we have produced what you see around you. Busyness a BUSY generation accomplishing nothing but….
(Being Under Satan’s Yoke) Matthew 11:28-30

I find it interesting how we all have more friends now than ever before and invest so much in them "yet" we have LESS equity in these relationships. Why? How do we have more resources / tools of communication yet are more disconnected? Because nurturing a real relationship is a lost art and priceless when found. It never loses value but increases in time. It earns equity because of the quality of its craftsmanship, not like a cheap copy of a Mona Lisa that has no real value. A real relationship is a masterpiece that survives the realm of time and allows you to withdraw from it when needed due to your investment / equity gained through the years, especially in hardships! But today's friendships / relationships have high interest rates with little gain on your investment. When you’re in need and try to withdraw from these relationships you quickly find out that you have very little equity gained (which equals trust) and you are left with a negative balance because of the little interest in YOU but the HIGH interest in what can be gained from YOU. It is truly the "I" generation and everyone is interested in themselves and how much they can get for the little they give (Mat 24:12). There’s something missing, life just isn't what it once was. Don’t get me wrong change is good but it’s also good that some things never change. 

I’m so grateful that I got to experience what many get from movies, books, and stories told to them by their elders. I’m so grateful that my eyes, ears, and mouth had the opportunity to taste life before the big bang of the Internet, Face Book, YouTube, social-networks, texting and gamers took over. I grew-up with coffee shops and not Internet café’s, when requesting a friend was something done face to face and not something done over some impersonal request then having to wait and see if you will be accepted into this false circle of trust. I feel so bad for this generation and what they have settled for. It only makes me all the more happier to know that I AM A FRIEND OF GOD BECAUSE HE CALLS ME FRIEND!!! John 15: 15. How smart of the enemy to condition the natural man knowing that it will affect the spiritual man. NOW JUST THINK, if this is our attitude towards living beings or better said if this is how we CHOOSE to fellowship / interact with those we can see, how then do we fellowship / interact with the UN-SEEN? This is the true message I want to relay to you. Look how we interact and invest our lives and call ourselves CHRISTIANS! If we are disconnected from the natural aspect of life how much more the spiritual? Just look at how perfect it all lines up and how the enemy has been able to thrive in this age through much negative association created to make the children of God feel like bastards. We are being called the fatherless generation. Why? Do you know the percentage of fatherless homes in America? Do you know how many children grow up never knowing or having a relationship with their biological fathers? The word dad and father becomes a curse word and now we’re telling these children to have relationships with a father they cannot see! All the while they never saw the father that they could physically see. If it is hard to have a real relationship with an earthly father how will we thrive in a relationship with a spiritual father? This is the devils tactic and by the looks of it, it's working... What a perfect plan to hinder the children of God..

When God called Abraham a friend what do you think that meant? I assure you it DEFINITELY was not just a status update

Proverbs 27: 17(NKJV) this proverb can never be fulfilled till we stop being fake / plastic because a plastic sword will never sharpen iron… BUT as iron sharpens iron, so  man sharpens the countenance of his friends




Satan's greatest trick was convincing the world he didn't exist!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Why Did Jesus Cures The Fig Tree

 The bible states that Jesus was hungry...

    Have you ever saw a place to eat far off in the distance and began to make your way there, all the while thinking of how good it’s going to feel to finally satisfy your hunger ONLY to be disappointed once you arrive due to the place being closed or out of business? Well Jesus felt that same way only something else was taking place as well. The bible says that the tree showed ALL the attributes of a fruitful tree. I guess we can say it had a form of but denied the power of fruit. It had an appearance, it appeared to be able to meet the need / hunger of Jesus but Jesus quickly realizes that it was a nothing more than a distraction and disappointment. Once He arrives and sees that there was nothing this tree could offer it He cursed it and remained hungry. Now the disciples witnessed this and keep in mind that this was taking place right before they were going to enter the temple in Jerusalem. Jesus was giving His disciples a quick lesson in the natural of the spiritual. The fig tree was the spiritual condition of the church. The tree was dressed as if it had something to offer yet was fruitless, having nothing to offer that could sustain life. So Jesus, being hungry in his physical temple could not be satisfied. Now the very next verse places us in the spiritual temple in Jerusalem, a place of worship were many go to meet there spiritual hunger and thirst. Jesus enters in and becomes angry once he sees the state of the temple and begins to drive out those who sold and bought in the temple area, and He overturned tables of the money changers and the seats of those who were selling Doves. He states “ Is it not written, My house shall be called of all nations the house of prayer? But ye have made it a den of thieves. Keep in mind that the word thief can also be applied to the stealing of (time, faith, trust, influence as well as money). I found it so interesting that they were selling doves which are a type of the Holy spirit..makes sense though, many churches are selling salvation at discount prices manipulating the people, having them believe that they’re something their clearly not. But that’s religion, law & obligation and these never produce the change we need or claim to be looking for.

   I remember being a part of a church that dressed the part, they had the long hair, long skirts, closed toe shoes, yet missed the pearl of great price. Have you ever come across a person that you thought was spiritual due to the way they dress, act, talk but once you get close enough you quickly realize they have nothing to offer you, You look closer into there lives and notice that there is no fruits. what a shame that many Christan's today are like that fig tree giving hope to the lost only to disappoint them once they get close enough and notice that we have only an out ward appearance and are really no more different than those in the world.. We have fallen in love with the idea of Christianity but not with Christ. Many are in their 5th, 10th, & some even 20th year of courtship with Jesus but never making that commitment to take the relationship to the next level.

   Sometimes we enforce rules & creeds to compensate for what we don’t have when ALL we need is the Holy Spirit. Once you have the Holy spirit you then don’t have to dress it up, you no longer have to play the part, you will  generate fruit because you have the Holy Spirit. It’s like a sheep produces wool not because it wants to but because it’s a sheep and all it has to do to produce wool is “BE A SHEEP”. We too are sheep and all we have to do to produce wool ( fruit ) is BE A SHEEP. But if you notice from the beginning man has always tried to dress it up, he always tries to hide behind something and it's usually to hide sin or cover up what he doesn't really have. Many hide behind religion, law and creeds because without it they would be naked. Gen 3: 7 says then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; and so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves to hide from God… Sound familiar?  There's  that fig again!! But They too were cursed and never bore the same type of fruit. (Revelation 3:17) says that the churches condition would be wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked and not even know it. WOW!! Hiding behind it’s riches and success claiming to be in need of nothing yet missing everything, standing before God naked clothed in lies. Brethren if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Messiah!’ or, ‘There he is!’ do not believe it. For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. Let’s not be moved by the words but the life, not by appearance but the fruit. Jesus said "Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven". So Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

Matthew 7:15-20

15 “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. 16 By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles? 17 Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Manufacture Recall

This notice applies to all human beings, no exceptions. Read carefully. After reading, please click on this button to notify others of this important recall notice.

The Maker of all human beings is recalling all units manufactured, regardless of make or year, due to a serious defect in the primary and central component of the heart. This is due to a malfunction in the original prototype units, code named Adam and Eve, resulting in the reproduction of the same defect in all subsequent units.This defect has been technically termed, "Sub-sequential Internal Non-morality," or more commonly known as "SIN".

Defect found in the central component of the heart.

Some Symptoms:

Loss of direction
Lack of peace and joy
Depression or confusion in the mental component
Foul vocal emissions
Selfish, violent behavior
Amnesia of origin

To correct this SIN defect, the Manufacturer, who is neither liable nor at fault for this defect, is providing factory authorized repair and service free of charge. The Repair Technician, Jesus, has most generously offered to bear the entire burden of the staggering cost of these repairs.

There is no additional fee required.
The number to call for repair in all areas is: P-R-A-Y-E-R.

Once connected, please upload your burden of SIN through the REPENTANCE procedure. Next, download ATONEMENT from the Repair Technician, Jesus, into the heart component.

No matter how big or small the SIN defect is, Jesus will replace it with:


Please see the operating manual, HOLY BIBLE, for further details on the use of these fixes. As an added upgrade, the Manufacturer has made available to all repaired units direct monitoring and assistance from the resident Maintenance Technician, the HOLY SPIRIT. Repaired units need only make Him welcome and He will take up residence on the premises.

WARNING: Continuing to operate the human being unit without making these corrections voids the Manufacturer's warranty, exposing the unit to many dangers and problems --- and will result in the human unit being permanently impounded.

For free emergency service, call on JESUS.
Thank you for your attention.

Please warn others of this important recall notice.
